Monday, September 4, 2017

Horrifying Video Of Teen Cheerleader Being Forced Into Splits Leads To Criminal Investigation

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This is legitimately painful to watch.

Authorities in Denver, CO have launched an investigation into one high school's cheer coach and administration after footage of a freshmen student being forced into a split position surfaced. How awful.

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The video, which was released by NBC affiliate KUSA, features a teenage girl from East High School as she screams out in pain while her legs are pulled apart by her coach and teammates. You can clearly hear the student beg for the force to stop, but sadly, no one heeded her pleas.

WARNING: The video (below) may be too intense and disturbing for some:

According to the victim, incoming freshmen Ally Wakefield, she was forced to do the painful split by the newly-appointed cheer coach. And she wasn't the only one. She shared:

"It was tearing my ligament and my muscle at the same time. He was pushing down on the back of my right leg. He was pushing like with his other knee on my back to try to keep my posture straight."

That's child abuse. But, actually though.

Thankfully, it's reported that the coach in question, as well as, the principal, assistant principal, assistant cheer coach, and the Denver Public Schools deputy general counsel, have all been placed on leave.

Understandably, Ally's mom Kristen was more than disturbed by what happened to her daughter, noting:

"This is a grown man pushing my 13-year-old girl so hard against her will while she's crying and screaming for him to stop that he's ripping tissues in her body."


Apparently, Mom notified the school of the issue back on June 15 when she sent a detailed email of what occurred. But for some reason a police investigation didn't start until two months later.

Denver Public Schools Superintendent Tom Boasberg responded to the controversy with the following statement:

"We absolutely prohibit any practices that place our students' physical and mental health in jeopardy. We do not and will not allow any situation in which a student is forced to perform an activity or exercise beyond the point at which they express their desire to stop."

Our hearts are just breaking for these kiddos. Smh.

[Image via KUSA/TODAY/NBC.]

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